Nicotinell has an extensive range of Nicotine Replacement Therapy products to help you win the war against your nicotine cravings. Our range is available in three formats; lozenge, patch, gum, plus different pack sizes, strength and flavours to suit you.
The Nicotinell product range includes TTS Patch, Medicated Chewing Gum and Compressed Lozenge. Stop Smoking aid. Requires willpower. Contains nicotine. Always read the label.
Which product is right for me?
Nicotinell Patch® for discreet 24-hour relief | Nicotinell Gum® or Nicotinell Lozenges® for when cravings hit |
For customers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day: |
For customers who smoke fewer than 20 cigarettes per day: |
Timeline to quitting with Nicotinell

12 hours after quitting
The carbon monoxide level in your blood returns to normal

2 weeks – 3 months
Your heart attack risk begins to drop and lung function begins to improve

1-9 months after quitting
Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease

1 year after quitting
Your risk of having a heart attack is half that of a smoker
Get the support you need to stop smoking
Receiving the right support can make a big difference in helping you successfully quit or cut down on your smoking. Here are some tips you might find helpful:
Friends, family and colleagues
Quitting smoking can feel challenging both physically and emotionally, as your body adjusts to a reduced nicotine intake. Make the people you spend time with aware that you are trying to quit and if they smoke, ask them not to smoke around you. You could also suggest quitting together.

Eat healthy snacks
Keep your hands and mouth occupied throughout the day and reduce cravings with nutritious snacks, such as fresh fruits and nuts.
Remember your why
Think about your reason for quitting, like your children or a loved one. Keep their photo close as a reminder.

Try something new
Try a new activity that keeps your hands busy, like drawing or fidget spinning.
Pick your friends wisely
Spend time with non-smoking friends. This removes the temptation and your friends will support your effort.